TrainingHave you challenged yourself to complete a 5K race this year? Whether you’re a regular runner or just starting to break in your running shoes, long distance races are always events that need the right preparation. Without the right training, exercise and diet, foot injuries or other complications can keep you from crossing the finish line.

To make sure you are ready for your race ahead, Chiropodist Tony Abbott provides these tips to incorporate into your training schedule.  He wants to make sure your feet and the rest of your body is ready for the run.

  1. Register in advance. In order to prepare yourself for a 5K race, choose an event that will take place approximately 6 to 12 weeks from now. This way you can allow enough time to stick to a healthy training program.
  2. Set a goal for yourself. It’s important to keep in mind that there will be a range of different times that different leveled runners will complete the 5km race. Whether you’re expecting to finish in 20 minutes or an hour, setting a reasonable goal for yourself to complete the race will help motivate you to train and keep pushing ahead during the race itself.
  3. Set up your training schedule. There are many training programs to prepare for a 5km race, but one simplified program includes exercising 3 days per week, varying the intensity and type of activity.  An example is below:
  • Day 1: Make it your “fast day.” Run at a fast pace starting out with 1/2km and slowly adding distance.
  • Day 2: Make it your “moderate day.” Run at a more moderate pace, but for a longer length of time.  Start with 1 km and work your way up.
  • Day 3: Make it your “long and slow day.” Try to start out at 3km, but maintain a slow pace in order to build up your endurance.
  1. Listen to your body. It’s important to not overdo your training. Overworked muscles and tendons greatly increase your risk for injury. Stretching before and after exercise is always a good idea to prevent injury.
  2. Be confident! Have a goal and work hard to make it across that finish line on race day.  This is a great way to stay motivated, energized, and healthy! Enjoy the event and be proud of yourself!  

Are there any helpful training tips you use to prepare for race day? Please share by commenting below! For more information about how to prevent a foot injury from occurring, contact our office to set up an appointment with Tony.

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