Stress FractureRunning is great for you, but if you are new to the idea, you may not know where to start. How about checking out the Georgian Triangle Running Club? The goal of the organization is to unite runners so you don’t have to go it alone. Workouts help get you race ready, work on pacing, or train with long, slow distance runs. Experienced athletes and coaches help newbies develop good running techniques, or learn how to tell the difference between stress fracture pain and tendon problems, for example.

A stress fracture is a small crack in the surface of a bone. In your feet, the most common sites of these breaks are the metatarsals, the navicular bone on the top of your foot, or the calcaneus (heel bone). These are the areas that absorb the trauma and stress of your weight while you walk, run, or jump. The injury is common in the sport of running, as well as in gymnastics, tennis, and basketball. Dancers are prone to it as well.

The condition is often attributed to overuse. For example, when your foot is stressed during a long run, your muscles tire out and your bones absorb more of the impact of each step. If trauma is suddenly increased, such as adding hills to your workout, or repeatedly landing wrong with that new ballet leap, your bones can weaken and crack.

Stress fracture pain usually comes on gradually. You may notice a slight pain when active, but since it goes away as soon as you stop, you forget about it. As this pattern is repeated, the pain will get a bit worse each time, until the foot hurts during regular activities, too, or even while at rest. If you notice swelling in a particular area, or pain when you push on a certain spot, it is often an indicator of a small break. Bruising may appear at the spot as well. Good runners know how to listen to their bodies. When you have symptoms like these, it’s time to stop, rest, and let the fracture heal.

It is also time to give Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic in Collingwood a call at (705) 444-9929. We can diagnose whether you have a stress fracture or something more serious. We have extensive knowledge about running injuries that helps us expertly care for your painful feet. Don’t wait—get help today!

Photo credit: zirconicusso via

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