Try these exercisesYou may not realize what is causing the pain in your heels, but plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendon problems are common reasons. Unless you have had an accident or trauma that may have fractured a bone, most heel pain comes from overuse. Here are some ways to treat heel pain at home:

  • Stay off your feet as much as possible. Use crutches if necessary.
  • Use ice packs to reduce the inflammation and swelling, at least twice a day for 15 minutes.  This should help to reduce your pain.
  • Check that your footwear provides proper arch support and enough cushioning for your heel. A cushioned insert may help.

If these do not lessen your heel pain after a few days, let us take a look. We can get to the bottom of what’s causing the pain, prescribe medication if needed, or show you exercises and stretches that may help. We are also experts at fitting you with custom foot orthotics that can correct structural imbalances and gait problems. Don’t put up with painful heels a day longer. Call Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic at (705) 444-9929 to schedule an appointment at our Collingwood, ON, office.