Chronic Foot Pain Slowing You Down?

You have tried every imaginable treatment you could find but your foot still hurts. What do you do now? Despite all the advanced technology of today, your body is often your own best healer.  Sometimes you just need a little help.

Manual foot therapy may provide the relief that you are seeking.  This approach recognizes that most diseases are related to problems in the musculoskeletal system and that structure and function of the body are inseparable. An essential component of this therapy is the movement of body fluids to and from each area of the foot to promote healing.  But blockages often exist and restrict the natural flow, thus resulting in disease.

The aim of manual foot therapy is to restore the natural function, release joint tension, and stop muscle strain. This is achieved by moving the joints through a series of gentle movements past the abnormal pathologic barrier, but not beyond it normal range of motion.

Some of the common conditions that people suffer with every day that will respond well to manual foot therapy include:

  • Heel pain / Plantar fasciitis
  • Tired aching feet
  • Stiff big toe
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Acute ankle sprain
  • Cuboid syndrome or Psuedo neuroma pain

Restoring a proper state of balance to your feet is essential.  Any variation that occurs will create undue stress on other parts of the foot and eventually something has to give!  Nothing incapacitates you as much as a sore and painful foot.   Take the next step to restoring your overall health.