Rivers are wonderful parts of nature. Water provides a means of transportation, recreation opportunities, food and drink, beauty to enjoy, and much more. Too much water, though, and the river can destroy crops and homes and contaminate the land and drinking water supply. The amount of fluids in your body is always in flux, too. You lose water through perspiration and replenish it by eating and drinking. When you perspire uncontrollably from a condition called hyperhidrosis, your sweaty feet can become a liability, causing wetness, odor, and embarrassment.

Why and When You Sweat

Perspiration is a totally normal function of your body that helps regulate your temperature. If you are too hot, your body releases moisture through your pores to dampen your skin, and the moisture evaporates when it hits the air, cooling you down. This function is triggered in hot temperatures, during exercise, or when you experience certain emotions like anger, fear, nervousness or embarrassment.

When You Perspire Too Much

With hyperhidrosis, your body doesn’t wait for a trigger. Your sweat glands just seem to be overactive, or active for no reason, and you suddenly have an episode of severe perspiration. This can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. When it affects your armpits, palms and the soles of your feet, it is called primary or focal hyperhidrosis. The causes for it usually cannot be identified, although it often runs in families.

Secondary hyperhidrosis, on the other hand, can occur anywhere on your body, and is a result of some other medical condition. Menopause, stroke, cancer, poor glucose control, anxiety disorder, Parkinson, lung, heart disease, or even certain medications can all cause excessive perspiration.

Warm, sweaty feet are more than just uncomfortable—they also provide a perfect opportunity for a fungal or bacterial infection to thrive. Rashes and other skin irritations may be more frequent as well. When bacteria react with sweat, they can give off a pretty foul odour, which is annoying and embarrassing. Your socks may become wet and uncomfortable. Moist feet are also more likely to slip around in your shoes, possibly causing sores and blisters. If you go barefoot, the dampness could even cause you to slip and fall.

What to Do for Excessively Sweaty Feet

First of all, bathe and thoroughly dry your feet every day to keep bacteria in check. You can try using an antiperspirant on the soles of your feet after your shower. Alternate shoes so they dry out before you wear them again. Wear socks that draw moisture away from your skin and change them often. Go without socks and shoes now and then to air out your feet. Control the triggers of perspiration by de-stressing with yoga or meditation, or learn to use biofeedback methods.

If none of these remedies relieve your problem, give Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic in Collingwood, ON, a call at (705) 444-9929 and set up an appointment with Chiropodist Tony Abbott. We can prescribe prescription-strength antiperspirants.  Medications that block nerve communication are also available although there are some unpleasant side effects with these.  If needed, low level electrical stimulation or surgical methods are also possibilities. Contact us today and let us help you find the right treatment for your foot sweat.