Our detailed library articles help Collingwood athletes better understand sports-related foot and ankle injuries. Learn about our innovative treatment options, including MLS laser therapy and custom Cryos orthotics. Contact Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic today to discuss your sports injury concerns with our experienced chiropodist.
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Stress FracturesLike fine old china, your bones can develop cracks from wear and tear and overuse. Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic explains stress fractures and treatments.
Achilles TendonitisAbbott Foot & Ankle Clinic in Collingwood, ON, shares symptoms of Achilles tendonitis, what your can do yourself to treat it, and when you need help.
Make Exercising with Foot Problems a Fun ChallengeOntario Chiropodist Tony Abbott discusses alternative ways to exercise when you have foot problems that make walking or running painful for you.
RunnersAbbott Foot & Ankle Clinic is committed to keeping you on your feet and running while treating the most common running injuries and problems.
Is It Shin Splints or Something Else?Pain in the front of your lower leg is called shin splints, but can be from other causes, too. Chiropodist Tony Abbott of Ontario helps sort out the issue.
PhysiotherapyPhysiotherapy combines several therapies to heal your injury faster. A treatment plan will be customized specific for you after our assessment.