Your feet are complex structures that endure tremendous stress each day. Understanding proper foot care is essential to avoiding pain and maintaining an active lifestyle. In our article library, Collingwood chiropodist Tony Abbott shares his expertise on topics like choosing proper footwear, preventing common issues, and more. Arm yourself with the knowledge to keep your feet healthy for life.
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Stress FracturesLike fine old china, your bones can develop cracks from wear and tear and overuse. Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic explains stress fractures and treatments.
Tarsal Coalition: Bridges That HarmAbbott Foot & Ankle Clinic in Collingwood discusses tarsal coalition: what causes it, how it affects your feet, and what you can do to relieve symptoms.
Achilles TendonitisAbbott Foot & Ankle Clinic in Collingwood, ON, shares symptoms of Achilles tendonitis, what your can do yourself to treat it, and when you need help.
AgingAbbott Foot & Ankle Clinic in Collingwood, ON, shares information on how aging affects your foot health and what you can do to head off problems.
ArthritisAbbott Foot & Ankle Clinic in Collingwood, ON discusses the symptoms of arthritis in your feet and ankles and can offer an effective treatment plan.
Let Us Help You Beat Metatarsalgia PainAbbott Foot & Ankle Clinic in Collingwood, ON, discusses forefoot pain—causes, home remedies, exercises, and where to go for help in beating metatarsalgia.
Even the Odds against Osteoarthritis PainChiropodist Tony Abbott explains causes and symptoms of osteoarthritis and what you can do to treat this degenerative disease in your feet and ankles.
Custom OrthoticsCustom-made orthotics may help relieve your pain! Schedule an appointment today with Collingwood Chiropodist Tony Abbott. Get back on your feet!
Treat Cracked Heels with a Little TLCAvoid the pain and risk of infection from dry, cracked heels with these helpful foot care tips from Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic in Collingwood, ON.
Plantar Warts Can Be EliminatedChiropodist Tony Abbott, in Calgary, AB, shares information about identifying plantar warts, how you get them, and how you treat them.